Do you know the late-night express?

Do you know the novel "Late Night Express"?

It was published about 30 years ago, and I wrote a record of my time as a backpacker when I was young.It is both non-fiction and somewhat adapted, so it's fiction.

This novel was once presented by a friend before I traveled to Canada to get to know his novel.

The cover was impressive, so I've known novels for a long time.

It did not reach the purchase.

After reading one page, he was drawn into the world of his unique depiction and couldn't stop moving forward with the book.

But when I was in Canada, I only got one volume, so I gave up getting the next one.

I think this is the fate of something.I'm buying it when I expect something special to happen.

Now the third volume, the first volume was given by a friend and read in Canada and Germany.

The second volume was purchased with a premonition that I would go somewhere abroad after returning to Japan.

(Actually, i don't think the second volume represents my life.)

And, I bought three volumes recently.The reason for this is that the prospect of the overseas trip has finally come.

Life is a journey, you don't know what's going to happen.

If you are interested, please read it by all means.
