A new service has started!

I have a big report today.I've been programming for a long time and made my desired service.Its name, too.










It is "loose leaf"!

What kind of service on earth, everything that I wrote on this site is a service that becomes copyright-free.

Until now, there were images, videos, music, and other free ones, but there was a copyright for the text.

So, on this service, it is a good service to copy the text of others and upload it to rewrite as you like!

Of course, you don't have to show quotes!

However, once the copyright belongs to the service of the site from the right issue.

Later, if the mood changes and the copyright is claimed, it is contrary to the purpose of the site, so for self-defense.

In addition, to be able to upload to copy, please once only bulletin board on the site.The details are steadily being done now.

In the near future, we would like to create a copyright-free site for people who like this concept.

I still have a lot of things to talk about, but once around here.

I would be happy if you could visit the site immediately and write some articles!


There is still a design or rough cutting, but I decided to operate it while releasing it once and correcting it.

Because it is important to put it out for the time being!
